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Scroll down for The Backstory translation. Thanks to those who volunteered to translate The Backstory. I am deeply grateful.
The Jihadi’s Maternal Drama


Aljamía Old Spanish in Arabic Script

Here is Freud’s Couch where the deep dive begins. However, I am a modern psychoanalyst.

The deep dive unlocks the Jihadi mind and mentality.

The Key: Jihadis bond to us violently

Projective Identification -The jihadis get us to feel their terrors.

Things to consider: Healthy child-rearing practices ensure healthy children. No violence against women. Women empowerment is essential. All behavior is potentially meaningful. People are more alike than they are different. Violence is violence. It does not care how we humans label it. Everybody has a Mother.

Minnesota and the Somali jihadis

The mother or primary care giver is like the computer company Intel building the brain of the baby in utero thru age three. It quadruples in size. No stress hormones please!

A picture’s worth 1,000 words. 90% of communication is nonverbal and 94% is unconscious.

The importance of the roots of childhood is establishing security and trust.

Babies are very smart. They are fluent in their nonverbal language expressing their needs. We must listen carefully and respond empathically to them and help them in meeting their needs.

Melanie Klein created the important field of Object Relations Theory for Psychoanalysis. She is the founder of play therapy. I transported the idea of play therapy to jihadi behavior. Here are toys used by Melanie Klein in play therapy to get children to verbalize their terrors.

An important aspect of play is to separate out fantasy from reality. If not, the child remains stuck with primitive mental states.

A child building a tower in play therapy

Jihadis/big boys knocking down towers – the tragedy of 9/11 Primitive Mental States (PMS)*

In Shame Honor Cultures there is no free sense of play because one is always already under the eye of surveillance at risk of bringing shame on to family honor. The eldest brother is tasked with murdering the female in the honor killing.

Nested within suicide bombing is also murder-suicide and honor killing as they are forms of traumatic bonding. These are interlocking links of violence against the female and the feminized Other.

Geo-mapping by the Center for Social Cohesion in the UK found that where there are jihadis, there is domestic violence and honor killing.

There is the maternal drama for all jihadis because they never went through an individual/separation stage in development. They remain fused to their mothers and they can not see the forest from the trees.The behavior is unconsciously transparent and revealing if you know how to recognize and read the code of the maternal.

The Prenatal Mother embodies a symbiosis with the baby in utero.

Kabul Airport evacuation August 2021. This is a commonly occurring classic image à la Madonna and child against which the Islamic suicide bomber seeks to destroy: The life fusion of rescuer plus baby vs. Islamic suicide bomber (male or female) attacking and fusing in death with its targeted victims committing murder-suicide i.e. a death fusion.

Maternal attachment and bonding is a fusion of two. Nursing is getting one’s needs met and a nonverbal important moment of communication.

The Maternal Cameo Image of the postpartum Mother with the baby - a la “Madonna And Child.”

Female Suicide Bomber Faux Prenatal Belly
Unfortunately, due to copyright laws there were many images that I could not include in this gallery.
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